Mr Luc Strydom has over 13 Years of experience and has developed his skills and expertise over the years as he has been involved in a wide spectrum of projects and activities ranging from general environmental assessment work such as Basic Assessments, Full Scoping and EIA reports, ESIAs and EMPrs, environmental permitting (WULAs, trans-relocation permits, waste permits), geo-hydrological sampling, auditing (ECO & Performance Assessments) as well as specialist studies including freshwater impact assessments (wetlands and river assessments), terrestrial biodiversity assessments, vegetation impact assessments, botanical surveys, and related management plans (invasive alien species management plans, biodiversity management plans, rehabilitation plans).
Dr Chantel Johnson holds MSc and PhD degrees in Botany (estuarine ecology) and a BSc degree in Botany and Geography from NMMU. Chantel has been an Environmental Consultant for approximately 16 years and as such has been focused on environmental management and impact assessment. Chantel is well versed in environmental legislation and has managed a number of environmental impact assessments and management plans for heavy mineral mining in South Africa, Mozambique and Madagascar, as well as a number of EIAs for open cast mines (copper, nickel, graphite) in Zambia and Mozambique. These projects have been completed to international standards (IFC and World Bank) and have been granted authorisation by their host countries. Chantel is also well versed in stakeholder engagement and stakeholder processes, all EIAs that has been managed by Chantel has included community consultations and as such Chantel has been used for various forms of community engagement in rural African settings. Chantel has also been extensively involved in the data collection and report writing for land and natural resource use assessments in both Madagascar and Mozambique. The data gathering component involves expensive community meetings in order to establish land use (including agriculture) and natural resource use within the communities and wider regions. Chantel has completed extensive land surveys as part of a Resettlement processes for a heavy minerals mines in Mozambique as well as in-kind compensation surveys in Tanzania. She is currently a principal consultant and Branch Manager of the Port Elizabeth Office as well as the Mozambique Office of CES.
Ms Marina van Zyl, qualified in HR Management (TUT). She has extensive working experience in travel liaison and coordination as well as training coordination and development. Marina is also qualified as an ETDP (Education Training and Development Practitioner) (UJ).
Dr Aldi Nel obtained her PhD in Fisheries Science (Aquaculture) from Rhodes University and her MSc in Zoology (Cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. Her background includes aquaculture research and development for ecological restoration and environmental sustainability, data science, and ecological monitoring. She applies biological and statistical theory to assess the impacts of various environmental and anthropogenic drivers on ecosystems. Her interests include animal physiology and habitat use, climate change effects on ecosystems and agriculture, climate change mitigation strategy, and stakeholder engagement in agricultural land use.
Dylan Anderson obtained his MSc (Cum Laude) from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, BSc. Hons in Physical Oceanography from the University of Cape Town and BSc Biology, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Cape Town. His main area of interest is coastal and shoreline processes, following on from his MSc. thesis which was focused investigations into the coastal processes and remediation of long term coastal erosion at St Francis Bay in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa. He has subsequently worked on multiple coastal and environmental projects for public and private clients.