CES Environmental were appointed by GasCon ADO Southey Holdings (Pty) Ltd to undertake the S24G process in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) and the Section 22A Application in terms of the National Environmental Management Act: Air Quality Act (NEM: AQA) in accordance to the pre-compliance notice (dated 01/04/2021) and compliance notice (dated 30/09/2021) issued by the City of Cape Town Air Quality Management Unit.
The GasCon facility was operating a listed activity without a Provisional Atmospheric Emission Licence or Atmospheric Emission Licence as required by Section 22 of NEM: AQA.
In terms of Section 21 (1) of NEM: AQA, it was evident that the below listed activities were conducted:
“7.1 Category 4: Metallurgical Industry Subcategory; 4.2: Combustion Installation.”
In order to comply with the regulations this Application report has been prepared for public comment as outlined in S24G of NEMA, as amended, and the S24G Fine Regulations, 2017. The commenting period is to run 31 March until 08 May.
Published: 31 March 2023
Review Period: 31 March to 8 May 2023
Contact Person: Bruce d’Hotman
Email: Bruce.DHotman@cesnet.co.za
Tel: +27 (0) 87 549 1656