Proposed Borrow Pit C associated with the improvement of National Route N1 Section 29 from Masekwaspoort (KM 26.5) to KM 70 near Musina, located on Farm Rissik 637 MS in the Machado Local Municipality, Limpopo Province

The South African National Roads Agency (SOC) Ltd (SANRAL) proposes the improvement of National Road N1 Section 29, from Masekwaspoort (KM 26.5) to KM 70.0 near Musina, located within the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province. Materials will be sourced from three proposed borrow pits along the project route, namely borrow pits A, B and C.

Proposed Borrow Pit C is located on Portion 1 of Farm Rissik 637 MS in the Machado Local Municipality, Vhembe District, Limpopo Province. The operation will encompass a footprint of 55.9 ha, inclusive of an 18.1 ha excavation area.  

In terms of Section 106 of the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act (MPRDA No. 28 of 2002) SANRAL is exempted from the application for a Mining Permit/Right for the mining sites but is not exempted from the application for environmental authorisation. The project will require three separate Scoping and Environmental Impact Assessments (S&EIAs) for the mining component (one per borrow pit), as the mining activities trigger listed activities published under GNR. 984, as amended. The development will also require a Water Use Authorisation (WUA) from the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) in terms of the National Water Act (NWA, Act No. 36 of 1998).

CES Environmental and Social Advisory Services (CES) has been appointed by Knight Piésold, on behalf of SANRAL, to undertake the environmental services required for the mining of the borrow pits.

Date Published:    11 November 2024
Review Period:      
The commenting period for the Draft Scoping Report is from 12 November – 11 December 2024 (30 days inclusive).
Comments and requests to be added to the Interested and Affected Party database to be directed to Mr Aidan Gouws at CES

Contact detail:
Principal Environmental Consultant: Aidan Gouws


Subject Title: “SANRAL Masekwaspoort Borrow Pit C”

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