Basic Assessment for the proposed 2021 municipal disaster recovery grant projects to address damages to infrastructure in George, Western Cape
The George Municipality experienced damages ranging from minor to extensive on infrastructure within the George Municipal Boundary during the November and December 2021 flood event. The Municipality applied to the Western Cape Government for a disaster relief grant for the purposes of mitigating and responding to the severe weather event. The funding application was successful and confirmed in a Government Gazette dated early February 2023.
The funding received covers several issues that require professional engineering services within the George Municipal boundary and for the purposes of implementation have been grouped into areas.
The George Municipality has appointed Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd to provide consulting engineering services in respect of the assessment, design development, tender documentation and construction monitoring of the project works. Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd have appointed Coastal and Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd.
(CES) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to apply for the necessary Environmental and Water Use Authorizations for the abovementioned project.
Published: 06 February 2025
Review Period:
The commenting period for the Draft Basic Assessment Report is from 06 February to 10 March 2025 (30 days inclusive).
Comments and requests to be added to the Interested and Affected Party database to be directed to:
Contact person, Environmental Consultant Mr Peter Bally at CES.
Subject Title: “George Repairs and Upgrades to Infrastructure”