Albany Wind Power (Pty) Ltd. plans to develop, construct and operate a Wind Energy Facility (WEF) approximately seven kilometres (7 km) east of Makhanda/Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province. The project site is situated in the Makana Local Municipality (LM) which forms part of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality (DM).
The proposed Albany WEF will consist of up to forty-three (43) turbines, with a total facility output of up to 297 MW. The WEF will also include a short powerline and switching station in order to connect the WEF to the existing Eskom substation (this powerline will be applied for in a separate environmental application, however the project description of the application will appear in this document in order for the development to be considered as a whole). The turbine footprints and associated facility infrastructure (internal access roads, substations, construction compound, batching plant and operations building) will cover a maximum area of approximately 55 ha (post rehabilitation) depending on the final layout design, should the project proceed to the construction phase.
CES was been appointed by Albany Wind Power as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to conduct the necessary EIA Process for the project in terms of the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA, Act No. 107 of 1998 and subsequent amendments) EIA Regulations (2014 and subsequent 2017 amendments).
The Final EIR has been submitted to the DFFE for decision making purposes. The public is invited to peruse the documentation, particularly the Issues and Response Trail (Appendix H).
Published: 15 November 2021
Review Period:
The Final EIR has been submitted to the competent authority (DFFE) for decision making purposes. The documentation was submitted on 12/11/2021. The final documentation has been added to the website for the perusal of the public.
Contact Person:
EAP: Dr Alan Carter
Alternate Contact Person: Caroline Evans
Email: or
Tel: +27 (0)87 830 9800
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