Proposed Pipeline Associated with the James Kleynhans
Water Treatment Works

Makana Local Municipality (MLM) relies heavily on the James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works (WTW) as their main supply as it is currently part of their reliable sources for potable water. Should James Kleynhans WTW and pump station not be operational MLM is at risk of not meeting their supply and consumer water demand requirements. The existing James Kleynhans High Lift Pump Station has been flooded on numerous occasions and as the water cannot be drained quickly enough the pumps and motors are almost always flooded. The repair costs associated with this are unnecessarily draining MLM’s budget.

MLM proposes the construction of a pipeline from the James Kleynhans WTW pump station to the Brak River, which is in the order of 600 m in length. The depth of excavation will be from 8 m deep to daylight at the river. This pipeline will ensure that the pump station does not flood. The depth of the excavation is mostly 7 to 8 m for the first 350 m and then tapers to the river for the remaining 350 m.

On behalf of Makana Local Municipality (MLM), Amatola Water have appointed Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd to provide consulting engineering services in respect of the assessment, design development, tender documentation and construction monitoring of the project works at James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works (WTW). Bosch Projects (Pty) Ltd have appointed Coastal and Environmental Services (Pty) Ltd (CES) as the Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) to apply for the necessary Environmental Authorisation (EA) and Water Use Authorisation (WUA) for the abovementioned project.

Published date:  10 September 2024
Review period:   11 September to 11 October 2024

Contact person: Mr. Alex Ndlovu
Contact number: (+27) 010 045 1375

Reference: ‘Proposed Pipeline Associated with The James Kleynhans Water Treatment Works’

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