Albany Wind Power (Pty) Ltd. plans to develop, construct and operate a Wind Energy Facility (WEF) approximately seven kilometres (7 km) east of Makhanda/Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape Province. The project site is situated in the Makana Local Municipality (LM) which forms part of the Sarah Baartman District Municipality (DM). According to the data recorded by the applicant in the area as well as the WASA (Wind Atlas for South Africa, CSIR, 2020) this project site appears to have favourable wind conditions to operate a wind farm.
The proposed Albany WEF will consist of up to twenty-five (25) turbines with a proposed maximum power output of the facility is up to 297 MW. The proposed turbine footprints and associated facility infrastructure will cover an area of up to 45 ha (final footprint after rehabilitation).
The Albany WEF was granted Environmental Authorisation on the 18th of March 2022, the decision was then appealed by several appellants. On the 10th of October 2023 the Minister of Environmental Affairs issued an interim appeal decision which instructed the Applicant to go through the process of finalising the Layout and EMPr. This process, inclusive of the public participation process associated with it, has now been completed and submitted to the Minister for decision-making being undertaken.
Published: 10/05/2024
Review Period: The documentation has undergone public participation. The Final reports are now available, along with the CRR, for public perusal.
Contact Person:
Caroline Evans
Subject Title: Albany WEF Layout and EMPr
Tel: 046-622 2364
Please note that the remaining Appendices can be located within the reports.
Please note: For easy download, some of the large documents have been split into smaller parts.
For access to the Final EIR please see the links below: